Saturday, August 3, 2013

Episode 4: Surrogacy From A Husband's Perspective

What's it like being the significant other of a surrogate mother? In this episode, Dawn welcomes her partner, Todd, who was an integral component to supporting Dawn during each of her four surrogacies. He will be reflecting on each of the surrogacy journeys Dawn embarked upon, and discussing how he felt while Dawn was going through the surrogacy journey with each unique recipient parent.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Episode 3: Crowdfunding For Your Surrogacy, Adoption, or IVF Treatment

A full surrogacy journey is not inexpensive. Fortunately, with the advent of websites dedicated to crowdfunding, potential recipient parents are now able to post funding requests online and solicit donations from their friends, family, and others who assist with raising a portion of the funds necessary to complete the surrogacy process. One such website,, is exclusively dedicated to assisting those challenged with reproductive issues, and is a crowdfunding website created to provide a funraising platform for individuals embarking on surrogacy journeys, IVF treatments, or adoptions.

Dawn will be speaking with Jeff Crump, founder of and how you can utlize crowdfunding to assist  you raise the balance of funds necessary to embark on a surrogacy journey.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Episode 2: Traditional Surrogacy: Why It's Not A Good Idea

On this episode of "The ABC's Of Surrogacy," Dawn Marmorstein will be discussing traditional surrogacy, which is a surrogacy arrangement where the surrogate mother plays the role of both surrogate mother and egg donor; the baby she carries is biologically related to the surrogate baby, in contrast to gestational surrogacy, where the surrogate mother carries an embryo created via IVF using the egg of a third-party egg donor and therefore has no biological connection to the surrogate baby.

Traditional surrogacy is currently quite controversial, and the courts in even the states with the most favorable rules for gestational surrogacy won't issue a pre-birth order naming the recipients as parents if the child was conceived via traditional surrogacy. Listen in as Dawn presents some  expert advice for those considering a traditional surrogacy journey.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Episode 1: Introduction to Surrogacy: How I Entered This Business

On this first  premiere episode, Dawn will be  first discussing what surrogacy is, as well as how her career evolved into founding a California-based surrogacy agency.  In the last few years, surrogacy has gained enormous popularity for a variety of reasons. One of her main objectives during this first episode is to generally describe what takes place in a surrogacy journey from both the perspective of the recipient parent as well as of the surrogate mother.

Surrogacy is complex with multiple components, and Dawn's goal is to help you understand the entire surrogacy process. While some of you may be seriously contemplating a surrogacy journey from the perspective of a recipient parent, others of you may be considering a role as a surrogate mother or even egg donor. These episodes will be designed to educate anyone with even a peripheral interest in surrogacy, as well as those who are ready to commence their journeys from either a recipient parent's or surrogate mother's perspective.